View Profile pHuXxXB0xX
i am the misanthropic scourge you fear and cower before.

Age 35, Male

i am McLovin


Joined on 5/23/05

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pHuXxXB0xX's News

Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - September 5th, 2007

so school started yesterday. it was only half a day wityh every class being 1/2 hour instead of the usual 70 minutes :\

umm, first period spare. second period maths - data management and probability (the easiest gr 12 maths course :D). third period physics. last period coed gym (with 3 girls an 20 guys :\)

i am gonna switch my shit since i have english next semester with this bitch that i really hate, so shit that.

umm, i was planning to write about something else but i forgot what that was. so crud...


yea, so my guidance appointment is tommorow and im waiting for that, but what i wanted to write about was mmorpg's.

yes, mmorpg's. they'll suck away your life. :\

yea, moar on saturday xD

UPDATE. its not saturday an my comp i rly slow, but. today we had our photos taken for our public transport system thing (da TTC D:<) and these fuckers butcher my name every year, so i gave them ORLY HABEEB as my name this time. i cant wait till i gt my id :3

and yes i will post it hurr >:)

Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 26th, 2007


i love the clash. and since british english has been penetrating my everyday lexicon due to me listening to them, i decided to make a post about them. also, britain has a lot of cool people and is pretty-much the only full-out english speaking part of europe which makes it like the best of both worlds - lower drinking/smoking age + english, so you understand what the hell is going on :P

OK FINE. it was really due to alicetheDroog's incessant nagging :P

but i do love them, and i wish the lead singer hadn't died, because then they could have done some sort of re-union tour. but without the Joe Strummer, its like nirvana without Kurt, so fuck that.


im gonna go see superbad (again) and balls of fury today, because christopher walken is in it.

EDIT: i didn't get to see balls of fury, but superbad the second time was still massively funny :D

umm, also!
big fuck-offs goto:

net-terrorist - the biggest wannabeafaggot of the lot

and special mention for Twone

umm, i have horrid memory so im pretty positive i've left a ridiculous amount of people off this list. it will be updated


Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 20th, 2007

is a great fucking song. its about dreams and satan and all sorts of stuff. with some really sweet melodic riffs + solo.

also, i made my 666th psot todai. the topic is hior

please go spam for great jsutice :3


moar editink: my ban doesnt seem very fun, especially since i looked again and its for 7 days.

kay. one maor and the next topic will be about people i loathe ON TEH BBS :3


Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 14th, 2007

yes rly. for great justice - 400 posts jsut before clock day

on a side note - i hate dentists. i went to mine today and it sucked hXc stylezzzz

**for those that aren't in the "scene" [lol] hXc means hardcore in emo-speak NOT HAXX lol

400 posts

Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 11th, 2007

EDIT: total b&s: 3. currently: unbanned :O

thanks to the MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHITHEAD BITCH AT THE CHINATOWN LCBO, we were not able to purchase our liquor and had to settle for a 12-case of beer.

all this missioning for booze had severely taken a toll on our time allotment and whatnot, so when we finnally made it to molson amphitheatre (plastered out of our heads) we had come just as slayer was wrapping up with angel of death T_T

through the duration of mansons set a lot of random crap happened, most notably being my lighter wouldnt light, and i obliterated my thumb [unknowingly] trying to light it. that and my friend who was dancing on the seats had lost her balance and fell on me, which didnt help her much, considering i couldnt really keep my balance either xD

a good show, we met up with our friends afterwards and headed to koreatown for some restaraunt. i didnt really eat, but felt obliged to pitch in 10 buxx anyway :\

got home at 4 00 in the morning, and had togoto work for 12 (< 6 hours of sleep)

missing slayer really sucked and suzie couldnt stop yelling for manson to gtfo, but to no avail.

P.S. i hope the people in the chinatown lcbo die of SARS or the Avian Flu, because they didnt want to accept my friends REAL identification. its unfortunate she didnt have a drivers license or we couldav cockslapped those faggots and had our liquor. oh well... theyll get theirs

MANSON!!! but no slayer D:<

Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 10th, 2007


i get to go see slayer and manso because my friend got tickets for free. the rest of you... get to sit at home and fap.

B& - im currently banned for my one and only ( i think) post in this thread:
porn is good/bad



Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 5th, 2007


i got banned again. for posting the faggottree picture, which can be used to explain waht faggotry is. argh. and its by some fap ive enver even heard of before. JoS, ffs you come to ng and you say it COULD BE HURTFUL TO SOME PEOPLE??? what the FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST 8-9 YEARS? looking to see whats behind that bend in your lower intestine? asswad

i figured out how to upload pictures from my computer to ng and why i couldnt see peoples banners and stuff. not the first time mcaffee has fucked me over...

why cant we all make stuff for linux :3

and speaking of which. i aer savign mony fro a nu compoot0r. and going to work on the long weekend... :S

stupid mcafee

Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 3rd, 2007

so yesterday (thursdai) i found out taht the TTC (or public transport for those outside T.O.) stops running all the busses i need to get home after 1 am. i found this out at 2:30 am 5 miles from my haus. so i had to walk that. about 10 minutes in, it began to rain. and i had to wake up at 9 am the next morning to goto work. i got home at 3:30 am. passed out from the intense heat and went o my orientation day at winners (marshall's or TJ Maxx for you mericuns) and basically was the resident Sid Vicious for the day.

so i has my new job. i am piss poor. waiting for my paycheque to come from my old job. and have no money on my phone... o yea, my parents wont lend me any money cos they suck massive ass.

so yea. what did YOU learn todai? o.O

edit! i also uploaded my forum sig (my old one, i had made a better one yesterday but forgot to post it on photobuckit, so when i went to the internet cafe, i only had this one) btw - yes i still cant upload shit from my computer to newgrounds, so ffs someone please ficks!

:EDIT! motherfucker. i just got banned by zerok for three days from bbs. mofo tells ppl to stop posting in the thread, but doesnt lock it or anything. and bans me for 3 DAYS. my first fucking ban. for fucks sake. who IS this fap anyways?

Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - August 2nd, 2007

so after quitting marks work whorehouse, i decided to apply to loblaws and winners (that tj maxx to you 'mericans :P) after fucking up a great deal at my interview the lady left me with a shred f hope and i am anxiously awaiting her phone call today to tell me when i can start another mind-numbing non-career.

getting my friends to be references id pretty genious i must admit xD


update again: i still cant upload my sig. im gonna try at a internet cafe:
http://s195.photobucket.com/albums/z19 6/pHx16/?action=view&current=betterwor k.gif

Posted by pHuXxXB0xX - July 18th, 2007

ive been working at marks work whorehouse (warehouse) since august last year. this shithole has finnaly taken its toll on me and before i decide to co(lu)mbine these fuckers, i will finnaly get off my ass and get another job. no more bitch ass managers. no more retarded rules. no more paranoid bullshit about the sketchiest company ever.

who actually reads this? i rly wanna know. post comments and shit, kthnx