so yesterday (thursdai) i found out taht the TTC (or public transport for those outside T.O.) stops running all the busses i need to get home after 1 am. i found this out at 2:30 am 5 miles from my haus. so i had to walk that. about 10 minutes in, it began to rain. and i had to wake up at 9 am the next morning to goto work. i got home at 3:30 am. passed out from the intense heat and went o my orientation day at winners (marshall's or TJ Maxx for you mericuns) and basically was the resident Sid Vicious for the day.
so i has my new job. i am piss poor. waiting for my paycheque to come from my old job. and have no money on my phone... o yea, my parents wont lend me any money cos they suck massive ass.
so yea. what did YOU learn todai? o.O
edit! i also uploaded my forum sig (my old one, i had made a better one yesterday but forgot to post it on photobuckit, so when i went to the internet cafe, i only had this one) btw - yes i still cant upload shit from my computer to newgrounds, so ffs someone please ficks!
:EDIT! motherfucker. i just got banned by zerok for three days from bbs. mofo tells ppl to stop posting in the thread, but doesnt lock it or anything. and bans me for 3 DAYS. my first fucking ban. for fucks sake. who IS this fap anyways?
i lernded that i is not the only poor person on NG.
its hawrd. you have all these kids to feed and the government stops sending you financial aid cheques and... lol, my parents are jsut really cheap.
when i aer makin millyuns i will send sum to joor paypal acct and stfuf, kay? :P