it's over. rather than a break up, she told me it was more like "there was never anythnig there". i mean, she asks me what's wrong when i tell her she's breaking my heart then goes on to tell me that she doesn't feel the relationship really going anywhere. she led me on. plain and simple. amdist telling me that she wants to take it slow because she was in a very prolonged relationship (three years with her ex) she tells me that it's going too slow.
you broke my heart you fucking bitch.
inb4 /wrists and become an hero. i really don't need your shit right now guys.
edit: name removed
Sorry to hear she did that.
it wouldn't be as bad if it was like oh, you know we went out for a few dates and she didn't reciprocate my feelings or something. like, i met her 2 years ago in our science class and i had a crush on her ever since. we got closer this year because we had period 3 and 4 together and i sat beside her during period 4. regardless, she had had a boyfriend since grade 9 and that came to an end round november. they tried to get back together, but she told me taht the feelings she should have for her boyfriend she had for me. then she tells me that our "relationship" is jsut causing her stress and there wasn't really much to go on anyway.
what the fuck. i mean, she tells me that she doesn't want anything really serious right off teh bat, and i can respect taht, you know i can take it slow, i've waited so long, what's a few more weeks, even... then she basically says it's too slow.
i can't believe this. i mean, i was right about one thing - i am an unbelievable idiot.