you aint supposed to flag spam, silly.
i am the misanthropic scourge you fear and cower before.
Age 35, Male
i am McLovin
Joined on 5/23/05
you aint supposed to flag spam, silly.
i know that now. im supposed to flag good, cohesive reviews so kidray76 can have a big circle jerk with his 13 year old shotta friends >:C
considering your username and the grammar you use i wouldn't be surprised if you were in the kk youself, sorry but thats just what i think (no offence meant)
lmao. allright, none taken, but you could read my reviews :P i dont write them often and after i was banned (once for reviews) i almost stopped writing them entirely.
kidrays a power fag, ngs just shit now
its what its coming down to. i mean, I WONDER WHY ALOT OF USERS LEFT THIS YEAR... HUMMMMMM :S
Good pointless reviews are allowed. (aka teh spam 10/10 reviews)
But if it's a bad review, and pointless then it's a bad thing
no, NO COHESIVE REVIEWS ALLOWED. ESP IF TEHY ARE 0/10. lord help you if you tell someone to brush up on their tweens or to include a better plotline you sick spamming fuck. jesus. and leave it to kidray76 to lead the circle jerk to victory >:C
(not aimed towards you personnaly of course)
I feel your pain, man. I used to have a silver whistle, but now I'm back to bronze.
its a fucking conspiracy. godDAMNIT
This must be the work of the MAN. Damn the MAN!
i said in some thread before how mods are kind of like emo-kids - theyre not exclusively one gender.
[see and play the first emogame to understand the reference :D]
Wow that sucks dude, I hate KK flashes! Why doesn't everyone just agree to vote 0 on those??
some people are batshit scared that they wont recieve a b/p point so they vote 5 like retards. i mean if you REALLY are sucha pussy then at least vote 2. that way you'll get your b\p point and the score will be low for when blamming time comes. which is before that crap is even submitted.
You can't blame kidray76 for you blowing the whistle on spam.
That was allllllll you.
i shouldav known better :(
You shouldav known better.
you always cut to my core, alice....
Go sit in the corner!
[sit in corner]
I should get a garbage whistle to because garbage is a stereotype punk thing! /JKing
you arse >:[
Hee hee i know.
[coy giggle] :3
How's mah little pHuXxXB0xX doin'?
its awl gewd :D
Mmmm. Let's go dumpster diving behind resturants to get food!!
altho i jsut got paid, so alternatively - we could actually go inside xD
>:( i already am in the possesion of such excrement
You needs a noo post.
i need a new gif...
Hurry up dang it!
ok ok ok
Okay seriously.........
Obviously you are flagging more legit reviews than abusive ones.
>:C i flagged teh spam 10/10 reviews by the KK or SS dunt remeber which. the ones that got them review crew pick. the ones that said teh exact same thing. essentially - there was 5 different review messages. and there was like 40 reviews that repeated them. it was on the bbs a while back about how the SS got themselves into review crew pick like that. what do i get for this? surprise buttsecks D:<