Ah, yes, I see.
i am the misanthropic scourge you fear and cower before.
Age 35, Male
i am McLovin
Joined on 5/23/05
Ah, yes, I see.
you have come a long way :3
I dont like Mendou. When I attempted to join the Anime Club I joined and it was run like a dictator ship. Him and Gendo, I hate them.
i dont know who gendo is either. see ive never really spoken to mendou, at least i dont think so....
lol i aer success :D
Dude new blog tomorrow, come check around 2-3 in the after noon, Im gona see Resident Evil tomorrow so thats why in the after noon.
Coming? Yes? Good
i will be tahr
First of all, why on earth are you making such a fuss about something that never happened? I don't delete user comments and in case you didn't notice. I took you off the list. Matt told me to put you on anyway but decided to take you off since haven't really pissed me off personally.
Even though this is just the Internets and i shouldn't care, i found that i had to clear this up.
yes yes. this was posted before any changes to your post. new blogpost soon :S
Gendo, I like Animals and Chicks.
Im very proud of that, Least I dont like that fscking sick Guro crap like you guys do. Thats just disfrikkingusting. How can you honestly be turned on by the fact that a girl is being mutilated killed and raped to boot. Sick dude sick
Cericon says:
Im very proud of that, Least I dont like that fscking sick Guro crap like you guys do. Thats just disfrikkingusting. How can you honestly be turned on by the fact that a girl is being mutilated killed and raped to boot. Sick dude sick
I'm not, but Kuro certainly is. Besides it's for the lulz.
Jesus dude dont use his Blog for a flame war (If it could be considered that) Go to mine and quote me all you want I dont wanna spam us this dude's blog k?
its entertaining at 3 oclock at night xD
So, you're still taking the internet seriously? Congrats.
so you're still a faggot?
Who me or Mendou? Cause I couldn't care less about the internet.
EDIT: he was reffering to me
he just hasn't figured out how to get the dick outta his ass
+1 Comment
I didn't know there was a hat list. I guess its to be expected on Newgrounds.
theres multiple, but mendou took me off his. i guess common sense and talking it out with people are still valid options :)
Hey who has the Hat list? I know that mendou has one, I asked him to put me on it. The hate part.
insertfunnyusername has one too, and she mentions the third person with one. i have one a few posts ago but i dont update old posts :\
Dude if you were on a hat list why wouldn't you be pissed? I on the other hand want to be on one though.
i was pissed. esp since i didnt even know the guy. IE - i had never spoken to him :S
Don't worry, the rest of us still love you pHuXxXB0xX
awww :3
I wus on vacation, AND YOU WEREN'T!
(Suicide bombs your blog) For Allah!!
**to the tune of brady bunch**
Lol that was good dude.
why thank you :3
Should I be confused?
no. just follow the links in order. and it makes sense